TF Digital Technology Reference Site
Staff / Student Resource for Virtual Education
Action = Equity
At TECH Freire we believe that education is the great equalizer and the means by which we can and will unapologetically battle the racial inequity that has plagued our students and families for generations. We believe that action equals equity; therefore, we strive each day to take action. We take action by providing a robust learning experience for students. We take action by ensuring our students are taught the fundamental technology skills necessary to thrive in the 21st century. We take action by educating the whole child; emphasizing the values of non-violence and community through rich extracurricular programming.
At TECH Freire, Action Equals Equity.
How will you "Breathe Fire" Today?
Use the links below to help you connect, create, collaborate, and be persistent today!
Tips & Information
Zoom Video Conferencing
Primary Synchronous Classrooms
1. IDENTIFY A Workspace
See The Tips Below To Prepare A Workspace
Be Organized From The Start to
Minimize Distractions
2. Have Your Device READY
Keep your device close so you can see and hear your teacher and classmates.
3. JOIN Your Class ON TIME
On time does not mean wait until the exact time the class is supposed to start. Start a few minutes early in case of technical issues. If you have problems, communicate with your teacher (email, text, etc.) immediately.
4. Use Your First and Last Name (Label)
First and Last Names as your Screename insure you are being marked present.
5. Camera ON!
Share your video during class and make sure to use appropriate video & surroundings.
6. FOLLOW Your Teacher's Instructions!
Mute Your Mic until called on, then "Up Not Over". Wait for teachers to give permission to UnMute your Mic. "Raise your Hand" using video or electronic responses. Use CHAT to ask questions, praise work of others, or provide additional resources that are on topic.
Set Yourself Up For Success From The Start!
Student Workspace
Tips to Help Set Up Your Workspace
1. Eliminate Distractions (Stay Focused)
2. Make Use of Natural Light
3. Keep Essentials Within Arm's Reach
4. Personalize Your Student's Desk Area
5. Organize Important Files & Equipment
6. Practice SMART Time Management
7. Keep An Agenda Visible (Post-It, etc.)
Check Here for Opportunities to HELP Others...
No Opportunities Posted Yet - Stay Tuned for More Info!
Here's a bunch of resources just for you!
Tarver Academy
Philly Keyspot
City of Philadelphia
School District of Philadelphia
Contact Us
Do Not Be Afraid To Ask For Help!
Extra Help
Extra Practice or Learn Something New:
"Tech Freire's GoTo Secondary Online Learning Platform"
Grade-Level Classes Math, ELA & More!
Self-Paced Grammar and Writing Skills Practice Online
Philly Keyspot
Dictionary with Adaptive Learning
Free Writing and Grammar Activities for MS and HS
1.2 Billion People learning a new language using this.
Free Online Keyboarding App.
Tech Freire Digital Technology Reference Site © 2020